The Accelian

A blog for employees of Accela Labs

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Synergist

The project that is currently offically called the PakNet will be renamed to the XTPNet upon launch, however we accelians already have another name for it -- The Synergist.

What is the Synergist? The Synergist is a Xanalogical replacement for the World Wide Web, based upon the DOCP, a crossplatform language-agnostic RPC and object passing protocol. The Synergist implements Xanalogical features such as transpointing, transclusion, and transcopyright, and has a built-in meritocracy-type economy and a system by which the entire Synergist becomes a massive versioned library of code and data.

I am working now on coding the DOCP base interface and bridges to ObjC, Java, C#, and LSL. The XTP, the protocol layered on top of the DOCP and used for the Synergist, is simple -- forwarded paint methods are called by new objects representing the frame's drawing capabilities, and they forward their drawing and UI methods to the server. This provides a simple method by which the methods, which are configurable, can be used from a server app coded in any language without translation.

The DOCP can also be used for inter-script and inter-object communication on Second Life, and I plan to try to get this as widespread as possible. Unencrypted communications over DOCP/XTP are port/channel 1960, and secure communications are 1984.

I will try to post more info later as things progress.

See you all In-World.



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